Sunday, February 21, 2016

Gotta Glow

While out enjoying a fantastic day shopping with my husband, we overheard a few young girls walking behind us. One told the other: "You just gotta glow. Just glow." To which her friend frustratingly replied: "Girl, I just wanna cross the street." So today, I just wanna glow. I want some positive vibes and happy thoughts and rainbows to head my way, so I decided to make it happen by creating a list of 25 Things I Really Enjoy:
  1. Stretching.
  2. My husband's smile, and his laugh (the kind where he can barely breathe and doubles over).
  3. When my kids make a discovery or learn something new. The look on their faces is priceless. 
  4. The Sun: A) Eating watermelon under it while enjoying a cool breeze on a perfect day, B) the way it filters through the leafy canopy of trees and magically makes world seem to twinkle and sparkle, and C) the way it peeks through a cloudy day and warms my face.
  5. When my spirit is moved by a song. 
  6. A book I get so sucked into I can’t eat or sleep till I finish it. 
  7. Warm, scrumptious comfort food, like homemade gnocchi or risotto.
  8. How wearing gym clothes allows my body to move the way it was designed.
  9. A worn in pair of flip flops.
  10. The feeling of fabulous luxury cotton clothes, especially summer dresses against my skin.
  11. Getting cozy on the couch with a book and a pot of tea within reach on a gray, rainy day.
  12. Giggling with my little girls. 
  13. The few moments when my little girls wake up and are all disheveled and snuggly. 
  14. The bubbly feeling of elation when reaching my goals or feeling proud. 
  15. The way my body feels when I’ve tested it: surfing, playing racquetball, running, swimming, biking, cycling, yoga-ing, weight lifting, long walks, skiing, stuffed with food, relaxed in a hot tub or steam room, sex, and even having babies. I love knowing and feeling what it’s capable of, especially since it helps me love it more. 
  16. Seeing my family, and seeing them happy and loving life. 
  17. Digging my toes into the sand and listening to ocean waves crash.
  18. Floating on my back in the ocean and staring at the sky.
  19. Floating on my stomach in the ocean and searching for treasure.
  20. The excitement and butterflies in my stomach of exploring a new place. 
  21. Watching animals at the zoo.
  22. The way I lose track of time when I write. Or read. 
  23. The randomness of tree branches.
  24. Bright, happy colors.
  25. My life. 
What are some things you really enjoy? I hope just thinking about them puts a smile on your face. You just gotta glow. :) 

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