Tuesday, December 1, 2015

10 Books and 10 Words

When I was little, I wrote my first book: The Pencil Man. It was about a pencil, because that was the only thing I could draw. On the page of a spiral bound, lined notebook, I wrote a short story with my drawing of a pencil with arms and legs. Then I figured, why not make it a book? So the next page was Chapter 2, where Pencil Man makes a friend. And in Chapter Three they hid from the rain together. I remember feeling elated that my story was technically in a book, so I concluded I actually wrote and made a book by myself! Who knew it was that easy?

I say my first book, because I’m at the very early, fetal beginnings of writing a book, maybe even a series. I’ve recently had inspiration for the plot while waiting at a car dealership (see my previous post). And it’s incredibly intimidating. (By the way, as I write this, my husband is writing the final acknowledgments on a book he just completed and will be out next year… how amazing is that?!!) 

It’s seemingly so hard to put ideas and thoughts into words, and on paper, which is what I love about books. I’m so thankful for authors that have tried and been successful! Of late, I have been pouring over books from the Fantasy genre (mostly with female protagonists - yeah girl power!), and thus, my book will probably be in that field. Some popular fantasy books you may have heard of: Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe

I grew up listening to my mom read The Hobbit to me and my siblings over meals and at bedtime; I stayed awake hours into the night devouring The Harry Potter series. In high school, a friend let me borrow his Game of Throne books to quell the boredom (I went to a strict - no TV, no music - boarding school in the country). I love getting lost in another world and the epic adventures that people dream up. It’s my way of quelling in my inner wanderlust-y adventurer. 

I eagerly consume about a trilogy per week. Did I mention I love reading? Here are 10 books I’ve read recently (in chronological order):

  1. Finder (First Ordinance Series) by Conne Suttle (currently reading)
  2. In the Skin of a Nunqua by R.J. Pouritt (pretty good; lots of action)
  3. Light & Shadow Series by Moira Katson (interesting; heavy strategy and characters)
  4. The Hero and The Crown by Robin McKinley (good, fun, not a trilogy) 
  5. Girl of Fire and Thorns Series by Rae Carson (pretty good)
  6. The Healers of Meligna Series by K.J. Colt (good)
  7. The Magicians by Lev Grossman (I didn’t like it) 
  8. Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series by Laini Taylor (really liked this series) 
  9. Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Moss (one of my favorite series!) 
  10. The Path of the Calm (The Saga of the Wolf Series) by Kris Hiatt (really good; male protagonist)
I feel so geeky when I tell my husband about the plot in the book I’m reading. While blushing, I tell him about: a cursed and hidden troll kingdom, an assassin girl who’s out for vengeance and might be a fairy, a famous alchemist who found a potion to make you live forever, or a girl who was mute but has a gift of understanding anyone’s true purpose, oh and she can also magically heal people and speak to animals - as he politely listens and smirks. <sigh> It’s okay with me if you don’t invite me to your book club. :) 

I especially love reading on my Kindle App I use on my Apple devices. I know, I know... it’s not the same as reading a real book, but the advantages of being able to quickly buy the next book in the series without having to race to a bookstore, easily read in the dark, enlarging the text size when exercising on a treadmill, fitting in my purse or pocket, being able to look up definitions to words I’m unsure of are fantastic

Despite reading books about warlocks, wizards, and fairies, here are 10 words I’ve learned and/or been reintroduced to: 

1. Faugh - a dated exclamation expressing disgust, contempt, or abhorrence
2. Untenable - adj. ( esp a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against stack or objection 
3. Fop(pish) - adj. a man who is concerned with his clothes and appearance in an affected and excessive way; a dandy 
4. Sinecure - n. a job or position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit 
5. Oriflamme - n. a symbol or standard that inspires confidence, devotion or courage 
6. Eunoia - n. (rhetoric) Goodwill towards an audience, either perceived or real; the perception that the speaker has the audience's interest at heart. (The shortest English word containing all five main vowel graphemes. It comes from the Greek word εὔνοια, meaning "well mind" or "beautiful thinking.”)
7. Sibilant -. adj. (of a speech sound) sounded with a hissing effect, for example s, sh.
8. Moue - n. a pouting expression used to convey annoyance or distaste.
9. Coquet - v. behave flirtatiously; flirt.
10. Egress - n. the action of going out of or leaving a place.

I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I love recommendations of books you’ve read and loved. Any genre! I’m sure I’ll tire of the Fantasy genre soon, and am looking forward to the next, whatever it may be. Happy reading! 

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